Who We Are
We are leaders in early language teaching in Finland, the world’s #1 country in early education.
We are dedicated professionals with over 30 years of experience in digital language education.
We are early educators, language teachers, linguists, tech experts, entrepreneurs, parents, and multilingual life-long learners – and we are here to change the world!

Building A Better World Through Language Learning
Today’s world is global and full of opportunities. We are no longer tied to one country or location but can build our life wherever we want to – as long as we have the skills and the courage to do so. But today’s world is also complex, and the increased interaction between people from all over the world can easily lead to misunderstandings and confusion.
At Moomin Language School, our dream is a world based on deep connections, compassion, and empathy. And we believe that foreign language skills are essential for creating such a world and for embracing its wonderful opportunities. Language helps us to understand one another and to connect on a deeper level.
The best time to start learning a new language is in early childhood. That is when children learn easily and enthusiastically and have plenty of time for the long language learning process. Plus, when young children learn a new language through play and exploration, something magical happens: the new language becomes more than just a skill – it becomes a part of who they are, enriching their sense of self.
That is why our mission is to make language learning accessible for every child. And we believe that early learning organizations are the best places to achieve this. By giving educators the tools to introduce a new language to their young learners, even if they are not language teachers, we combine the educators’ skills and care for their children with the language learning expertise and teaching methods of Finnish education, one of the most famous education systems in the world. As a result, we help educators to connect with the children and children to connect with the world – now, and in the future.
Equality, Empathy & Exploration: The Heart of Moomin Language School
We Believe in Equality
We believe that every child should have an equal right to learn languages, regardless of where they are. With Moomin Language School, we enable language learning cost-efficiently without sacrificing quality, and our learning content teaches children that they are all equal and capable, sowing the seeds of a more equal tomorrow.
We also believe that every child has the equal right to learn as their unique selves, to be defined by their successes and not their mistakes, and to discover the joy of learning without the pressure of exams or comparison to others. This is an essential part of our learning philosophy and the Finnish society which is considered the happiest in the world.

We Believe in Empathy
We believe that empathy is the key to peace on a personal, local, and global scale. Empathy is needed so that we can meet others – and ourselves – with love and understanding.
In Moomin Language School, children receive feedback and encouragement in a way that doesn’t put them in competition with one another. With us, children play and learn together – helping, supporting and cheering for one another. Our learning content introduces children to characters from various backgrounds and teaches them to appreciate and celebrate diversity.
We Believe in Exploration
To us, exploration means open-minded curiosity about the world and the people and cultures in it. It means holding onto our child-like wonder and enthusiasm no matter how old we are. We encourage children to explore, to ask questions, to take action, and to learn through trial and error.
When children’s curiosity is awakened, their thirst for knowledge is limitless. And that is every educator’s dream, isn’t it? Our learning content includes stories about space, adventures in a rainforest, traveling through time to see dinosaurs, and much more. We encourage educators to ask children to share their opinions and to use their imagination on make-belief trips to different countries, the library, or the beach. This way, we inspire a sense of wonder, a curious mind and courageous attitude in every child we have the privilege to teach.